

    Before you invest in one of our systems, you naturally want to make sure that it is exactly what you need:

    • We carry out first tests with your product for you
    • We invite you to conduct your own tests with us
    • You can test one of our Rental Units at your premises, within your own production process


    UV-Laboratory Systems:

    • Excirad 172 with 200, 600, 1200, 2320 mm working width (to rent)
    • Inerting UV-Hg 600 mm lamp (to rent)
    • Transport system 600 mm for Excimer and Inerted UV (to rent)
    • Band transport system (max 400 m/min)
    • Hymmen Roll Coater

    Technique of analyse:

    • ATR infrared spectroscopy
    • IGT C1 Printability tester
    • RT-FK (Realtime Folding Kinetiks)
    • UV Dosimetry
    • Gloss degree
    • Color density
    • White light interferometry
    • Contact angle measurement
    • MINI Martindale
    • XPS (IOM)
    UV-Laboratory - Systems, Technique of analyse, Real Time Folding Kinetik
    UV-Laboratory - Systems, Technique of analyse, Real Time Folding Kinetik

    Real Time Folding Kinetik

    The RT-FK equipment is an excellent tool for paint and varnish development and for the dimensioning of excimer VUV matting sytem. The complete measuring station can be purchased at IOT GmbH.

    In a chamber inerted with pure nitrogen, the coating sample is applied to a glass-made part (1) with a defined layer thickness, and positioned on a heatable testing board (2).  A measuring light beam emitted by a LED (3) is reflected from the sample surface and registered by a photo diode (4).  The sample is irradiated with a light impulse and thus a VUV dose from an Excimer lamp (5) with electronic shutter, similar to an irradiation process in a production system.  When the micro-folding process is initiated after the skin formation, the measuring light is scattered on the now rough surface of the sample, and less intensity on the photodiode is registered.  The folding process is kinetically visible by light measurement within milliseconds (see the Kinetik curve).   The folding process can be monitored visually through a video camera (6).  In the case of a photo-initiator-containing sample, the layer is cured with long-wave UV light from a 365 nm LED (7).  The VUV dose rate and dose is measured by a radiometric sensor (8) with an open sample board.

     All the process parameters can be varied independently.  The measurement process is optimized and automated.

    IOT GmbH Leipzig

    Innovative Surface Technologies


    UV - Technik
    Plasma- und Ionenstrahltechnik


    IOT Innovative Oberflächentechnologien GmbH
    Wissenschaftspark Leipzig, Gebäude 33.0
    Permoserstraße 15

    04318 Leipzig
    Phone +49 341 23823 100 
    Fax +49 341 23823 199
    E-mail: info@iot-gmbh.de